Governments are run by humans. How exactly do we uphold the laws of God in a secular state while trying to avoid fixating on what the government ought to do in the name of God?

The present-day ideologies were not formed to lead people to God. Granted, their beliefs might have some rooting in Christianity or another religion. However, they were not formed to emulate any specific religion in mind. They exist as a response to different human complexities in society and to attempt to solve them. With this in mind, wouldn't it be wrong to say that human ideologies are failed attempts to right people toward God? It was not even the goal to begin with, and to quote your words: "Just because an idea aligns more with one ideology or system, governmental or economic or philosophical or religious, does not mean that the idea must be part of that ideology and only that ideology." They are not Christian (or any religion) doctrines and ought to be treated as such.

Overall, it is a thought-provoking piece you have here.

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What other purpose would an ideology have besides pursuing an ideal (perfection) in its chosen vector? I suggest humans attempt to right themselves towards God *or* a god. It's not so simple to sum all governments or ideologies into one bucket or the other, but an ideology pursues something, and if it's vague enough, the people will pursue anything they seem worthy of putting faith in.

God gave the Jews kings (monarchy, government, autocratic ideology) in place of judges (appointed by God to serve as a leader when necessary) because they complained about being the only people without kings. By wanting to look cool, they risked putting their faith in a monarch and not God directly, unlike the judge system. That's just begging for trouble.

Both with Capitalism and Socialism, more so the latter, they deter and create their own Gods or become one. That is the issue, and that is why I say with confidence neither is compatible with Jesus and his teachings. Capitalism is an economic system requiring human governance, and Socialism (in the modern paradigm) is more akin to a gnostic religious institution than anything else.

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