Book Introduction
The book today is Anthem by Ayn Rand and if you haven’t read it and like what you hear in this episode, pick up a copy... it’s a classic!
What’s it About:
Anthem by Ayn Rand is a dystopian novella set far in the future where collectivism has removed individualism from the world. The society is one where the concept of “I”, that is to say individual identity, is forbidden and everyone refers to themselves in the plural “we”. Equality 7-2521 lives in this enforced conformity state, and as a young man, he finds himself questioning with a burning curiosity. He is assigned not to the Council of Scholars, but to be a Street Sweeper. Equality 7-2521 stumbles upon an ancient tunnel from the Unmentionable Times, and begins conducting experiments until he rediscovers electricity. His acts of self-discovery lead him to question the societal norms he’s been taught.
During this time, he builds a forbidden bond with Liberty 5-3000, a young woman who tends the fields he dubs as “The Golden One.” Their Transgression of Preference doesn’t deter them as they grow to love one another. When he’s caught due to being tardy as he focused on his experiments, Equality 7-2521 escapes and grabs his light box to the World Council of Scholars, hoping to benefit mankind. He is met with rejection and flees until he finds himself in the Uncharted Forest. Liberty 5-3000 joins him, they rename themselves Prometheus and Gaea, and start building a society based on individual freedom and love after Equality—or rather Prometheus—realizes the power of the word “I”.
Top Thoughts (What I liked/Didn’t Like):
I liked the how well the world was built even with the short amount of world building Rand uses. The dichotomy between extreme individualism and collectivism is a great one to explore. For those who’ve read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells will see a similar theme and after reading that novella, I find Anthem to be a great contrast to Wells’ vision. Every page has some small aspect of the society that builds the dystopia Rand is fearful of.
I don’t like how short this story is. For those that know about Rand’s other work, she tends to be long winded and so this is a breath of fresh air in a way. However, it’s a lot like The Giver, where we don’t get more than a singular city and story, and it’s very brief. And maybe that’s what I don’t like, I want more from this story, like twice as much, and think it would really flesh things out.
Some things I’ll be discussing in the full-length podcast:
Individualism vs. Collectivism
Pursuit of Knowledge (asking questions)
Freedom and the Discovery of Self
My love and knowledge of Ayn Rand literature
Stay Tuned
I hope you enjoyed this webisode, let me know what you thought of it and if you’ve read or intend to read this book.
If you’re interested but not sold, there’s a full-length podcast where I discuss this book at length coming for your binging pleasure on Substack and Spotify!
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